www.entrepreneurialrevolution.city curriculum of entrepreneurial revolution
started 1976 father norman macrae The Economist
30000 zoomers celebrate startup HK Jy 2020
tourmaster HK
2020 HK takes over from Dhaka
july 4 2020 we welcome help at linkedin UNwomens with our interdependence series- jargon reminder AI: in hi-tech world Artificial Intelligence is buzz phrase for what is the 27th decade since 1760s when 2 graduates of Glasgow University first engineer James Watt and first economist adam smith started up what some people call viral society 5.0 joining up one industrial and 4 post-industrial revolutions until every local community is interdendent globally as corona chaos and other lives inequalities demonstrate
IF livesmatter.city many missing (or interdisciplinary) curricula to zoom now from virus comeback, to those eg climate adaptability and local to global youth engagement which ban kii-moon and vienna invite you to compose - here we return to Economist archives of future hostory- did some decades overshoot tech's opportunity to POP -Preferentially Option Poorest - system designs - exponential opportunities and threats?
what entrepreneurial and humanising uses of smart machines multiplied expoenentially in last 75 years?
for worse eg virus/climate/ -dismal media design spins ever higher borders between 200 nations even as humans 4g on mobilise universally
for better- you can mobilise life critical action learnng to or from any people you love- unlike consuming goods lice critical apps multiply value in use round the greatest goals ever imagineered
question me --- to try to get ready for the urgency of 2020 now- i co-edited book 2025 report back in 1984 suggesting now 2020s would be the most exciting decade -thank you to 7 million hong kong people and 1 million vienna people for taking up this relay batton even as the olympics fell to the ground
do the exponential maths-economics modeling! - are the 2020s the most exciting decade to be alive because it's the last decade that 8 billion people could map systems saving our species. moore at 81ways.com
will wall street, harvard & olympics be virus immune?my 80s were diferemt from dad's - The Economist's Norman Macrae, i helped MIT fill up a database of societal needs across asia; ... once my daughter was grown i spent most of 2010s commuting between usa and bangladesh, and from 2016 Beijing which has also valued womens lives matter more and more since the 1970s - to see if there was a small way to help my greatest ever hero fazle abed who died dec 2019 after helping quarter of a billion village women build health and food security services from nothing includineg no access to electricity grids until suddenly while the west enjoyed 4g commerce, out of bangaldesh solar and 2gt text mobiles designed banking for a billion unbanked bkash.com and sir fazle's last years were spent asking the world's largest coalition of ngos to link in his legacy an open university of girls sdg solutions networks -see brac u bux and osun
but ask yourself do you know what went expoentially right and wrong in each of these decades (not for those profiteering in a quarter but for those parents loving next generation)- and what was the most diverse local differences between right and wrong (why?)
1960s moon race decade
1970s moores law 0 decade- see surveys on tios page
80s 1G decade
90s 2g decade
00s 3g decade - what went wrong 7 billion peopel did not agree ending poverty was man's greatest risk- terrorsists struck back- then superpowe4er chose the wroing retailtion target; nations started to fail all around europe africa and aisia's landbridge the middle east- in sepeeration bush wanted to be rememberd for ending virus but nobody took him up; senate tok its eye off the fiacial ball and subprime started a decade of deperssing 4g start ups in west
4g 2010s only asian startups worked on sdgs- universal mobile introduced more hman data tahn ever before- buit the wests big data companies didnt selecte ai virus ai education ai climate -
2020s so only asia can unite worldwisdd ypouth to globally engage with 5g www.lives,atter.city- will usa and europe ever get back to loving youoth - by the end of 2020 we will know ameicas chpice, we may know euro[pe verysus briatins choice- one reason why a smart boros needs to meet xi jinping behing the scenes - odeally with some mediation by poppe francis- ok reality has ebcome weirder than science fiction - over 80 years since my father survived as a teenager in world war 2 navigating aitrplanes in bomber comand over moderday bangaldesh/myamar we have tried to celebarte the peoples heroic frontline stories- if publicv sevannts dont want top eopely empower youth to be the first sdg generatipn we ask theor lobbies to stay away - chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk Outofbeltway.com near us national institute of health whats app +1 240 316 8157 -please feel free to open source any paragrphs forom norman macrae surveys if you see a future hostiry that is expoenetially valuable to recheck now we have far more analytic capability than 8 billion human brns bowling alone |   | |  |
81ways.com -countdown to sdgs 2030- way 24 july-agst 2020
informal entrepreneurial revolution survey: top 3 worldwide students agendas 20-21
On Jul 9, 2020, at 6:43 PM, christopher macrae <chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
million foreign university students in usa being told visa cancelled unless real classes
WHATS you position on this?
xxThanks amitav- - your perspective from being in middle of the worldwide sdg-tech smartest coalitions of under 25s is absolutely critical
i would like to survey top agendas or missing curricula worldwide students networks need to keep locally linking in
1 in addition to how foreign students are treated in mr trump's and corona 2020s america
2 the shortlist of who to follow on containing this virus as a decade long challenge is my urgent vote- the only famous american expert i still trust is larry brilliant Larry Brilliant on How Well We Are Fighting Covid-19 but this is an area that needs a lot of co-searching from practices of tracing on the ground to which experts understand a virus that some asians have been continuously action learning around for 17 years but nobody in america has at a multidisciplinary deep data level that ai corona would need.my guess is really local 5g may be as critical as vaccine racers
( One reason why i have less trust in silicon valley today than a;most anyone is in 2004 larry won the ted prize- tech mapping for end viruses- all members were invited to help and as a result google.org was founded around larry- so how did google fail to include virus over 2010s big data decade and why did skoll larry's home after he left google fail to prioritise - in one sense these are unfair questions- in another sense anyone graduating today must keep on asking them imo). I would have trusted jim kim but is seems he has decided not to engage while politics not practice mediates corona america
3 my third is very personal coming from 4 generations of scots who have lived in the east or anywhere but scotland (except for holidays) in terms of what brexited- britain is about to do wrong - if you look at 8 million people (ie one thousandths of our species) to earn trust with,l I want to focus on hong kong this student year- i have quite a deep catalogue of who can scale worldwide solutions on what out of hong kong if anyone wants to turn that into a shared search EconomistHongKong.com
of course hearing other peoples top 3 passions for transparency would be wonderful educational experience!
stay safe chris whats app +1 240 316 8157
On Thursday, 9 July 2020, 19:29:41 GMT-4, Amitav Acharya <aacharya@american.edu> wrote:
Cruel and inhuman. Many universities led by harvard and MIT already suing. Many others and filing “amicus brief” support. Much is at stake. Cannot think of any example where admitted foreign students have been deliberately treated so terribly. Self damaging for US too. Trump is doing this to force universities to reopen normally despite severe health risks to students and faculty. And to spite at the universities in general.
Absolutely crazy moment in history.
Amitav Acharya (@AmitavAcharya), Distinguished Professor, School of International Service, American University, Washington DC
Books: The Making of Global International Relations (Cambridge 2019); Constructing Global Order (Cambridge 2018); The End of American World Order, 2nd edition (Polity 2018)
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you can download powerpoint full 18 page survey entrepreneurial revoltion- norman macrae economist 1976 here |
if you have questions about entrepreneurial revolution you can ask norman's son chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
Editors at The Economist discuss
some typical questions
- what most popular surveys followed entrepreneurial revolutiuon?
eg 1977 china and rural keynesianism Economist 1977, we are all intrapreneurial know with gifford pinchot 1982,
why not silicon valley everywhere with venture capitaliists 1982
- what did norman think of 50 segments lof entreprenurship or new capiatlism coined after 1976 ?
norman was interested in mapping sytsemic expoential consequences of models, as well as taking adam smiths severe criticisms of lack of market transparfency,
failure to integrate with nature, failure to remap world gtrade as if all lives matter unlikke the colonial slavemaking or opiumcurrency era that london capital pounded
he did not feel that many of those in west who adjectivised entrepreneurship openly accounted for this goal but he valued many of the rising sun models
from the East;knowing that over two out of three humans are Asian and recognising that the east india corporation had trapped most asians without access to
electricity grids-he loved leapfroging models of solar and satell;ite telecoms
he saw colonial world trade mapping as a systemic poverty trap and root cause of world war 2 that he had served in as a teenager (bomber command navigaotor modernday myanmar, bangladesh);
to the extent that his economist surveys helped Japan, UK and Ducth Royal families reconcile their hostory of colonkistaion he was joyful and insisted on optimistic reporting turned into practical education
nothing delighted norman more than discovering the work of sir fazle abed brac which he waas late to discover from 2007 and writing his last artiicle Dce 2008 on why suprime would be an awful shame if once again it devalued youth entreprenurial and education revolutiion time,lined in 1984's 2025 report - a book on sustainability's expoential timelines
for norman the 2020s wold be the most exciing time to be alive - would entrepreneurial revolution and the convergence of 100 fold (gordon moore) tech per decade lead to humanising machine intel or the opposote- orwell big brother was the likely pessimistoc end of humans interfering on nature's global scale- it seemed to norman that anyone in media should always value heroic c ommunity/frontline service solutions
question from valuetrue.com: Can you co-blog, tourmaster and co-twit with us startup changeover ecosystems your place needs most?
2020 is the most exciting time to be alive - we are responsible for species sustaianbility - deas welcome chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
clearly in 2020 health and green have been completely messed up by those who had most resources that could have humanised these markets purposes
Those indicated in blue give us some hope that worldrecordjobs co-creators are at work - valuei9mg millennials urgent ened to be the first sustainabilty generation
we offer 4 main ways to collaborate
tourmasters eg outofbeltway.com
linkedin eg 81ways.com
co-blog eg worldrecordjobs.com
twitter listings egwww.zoomuni.net
if you need a full guide please send request to chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk - if you have urgent project or team bio pless send so i can priotise timely selctions for you |
[3:51 PM, 7/10/2020] Chris Macrae: vincent https://www.linkedin.com/in/karena belin/ is one of the most connected people in startup hong kong angelhub- with another 30 something lady they have become a unicorn an by connecting everyone else - it appears that just as youth startup networking took off on mainland rising from 2010 -it wasnt to 2015 it took off in hong kong at least as a sme integrating phenomenon- belin linkedin with me but did not answer my question yet regarding introducing you - i also wonder what you think of this hk-shenzen edutech summit https://www.edventuresgba.com/ - could it be where bux rises - there are about 30 platforms like edventures that startuphk 5 day zoom linked together- i will try and send a map of the whole by sunday = hong kong is at a three-on one crossroads- relations with mainland, relations as global financial centre -the plan is to linkin every fintech model ore than any other city- youth sdgs across asean-unfortunately muhammad yunus is chasing bangladesh connections of that through a partner in singapore -as happened with microfinance the risk is yunus will ruin bangladesh credibility in all of fintech ai-tech health-tech edutech- two people represented alibaba entrepreeur fund during the festival- nobody from yidan prize as far as i could see- there was a lot of mention of hong kong having of worlds top 100 universities- would love to know how you map university relationsips in hong kong and whether any of them rely on li ka-shings support in particular areas such as virus chasing