cheng sorry if my phone call failed to intro you and emanuel earlier this week while we were downstairs in brookings cafe- you are both ccg fellows- its important henry has people he can trust while summit stuff out of beijing is constrained by virus
complementing your book on china 100 top thinktanks are 10 across japan korea vietnam etc that emanuel has helped found
cheng please phone emanuel 1 (703) 850-7794
in next 10 days before his next trip connecting seoul shanghai and tokyo
one of the interesting things of emanuel tanks is that each has student exchange groups that come and visit each other- cheng i really think the students you mentir can trust that emanuels linkedin students care about all of asia win-win -cheng are you able to introi emanuel to marina or ying ior someone at this remains the only thinktank that puts students in the middle that i have come across- also connections with italy are urgent now as soros green thinktank epicentre is at vatican and needs to converges hos 32 billion dollar education investments in youth until the damn virus subsides i am going to remap all positive thinktanks /hubs student movements out of hong kong - this is actually where soros 32 billion dollar convergence of student empowerment is most likely to linkin chinas fifth of the world ideas on sustaining the future until we know who next president is
my friends are well connected with directly ten cent foundations in hong kong - indirectly with jack ma because brac is a funtech partner of his but not yet an edu one Bard College and Partners Establish Global Network to Transform Higher Education
chris +1 240 316 8157 washington dc
ps is there anyway to connect with brookings thinktank meeting toning out of qatar- have lot of goirls and refugee education connections in qatar Why Think Tanks Matter: The Role of Think Tanks in Times of Crisis