we have argued in The Economist since 1962 that the whole of the East should celebrate how Japan transformed from enemy of neighbours to starting up the whole hemisphere; the reality is chiense diaporea suoperports would never have grown in 21st C Q3 without the wealth created by japan quality system designs, advamces in electronics, civil engineering demonstration of supertrians (both bullet across a nation and underground through a supercity), superports including containersiation- without such diapora wealth inward investment wouldnt have come to china; and without all this the east's brialiant maps of 21st c infratsructure investment and hangzgouy's claim once again to be the world's epicengtre of positive world trade endorsed by g20 confirmation of one road one belt and EWPT would never have been possible
ebvery helmisphers' sustaoinability needs a uited eastern hemisphere now- lets hope the big 3 economies china, korea , japan forgive old attrocities- after all there's nothing cooler in empowering posituve youthful spirits (energising 24 hour a dayservice committment and community with each other) than teh way zen and tao brodge each other
old header - feb 2023 in hong kong to discuss how much has changed since dec 2019 death of abed and decade of Bangladesh as number 1 cooperation space- will be updating soon - with singapore friends, we have huge cooperations planned new york march 2023 glasgow june 2023 - mail if your city in middle of scaling cooperations with UN tech envoy office or 23-24 college year buildinup to UNsummit future DUBAI + 2021 Entrepreneurial Revolutions top 12 countdown
1 dhaka : hk hkft singapore 2 oxbridge Netherlands ...glasgow adam smith cop26 november with italy &. 3abc hong kong fintech 4abc seoul and busan 5abc Vienna geneva & Hague 6abc ny state community corridors 7abc nordica8abc haidian-beijing youth 9abc barcelona rome 10 abc uae stanford & valley ,, boston 12 abc tokyo ER begun 1976 The Economist 1 2lives matter-can human-tech leap over value chains of shelf -safety*health*education*loveq*finance Economist's Macrae Norman Foundation 17 sdgs Map-Notes G1M.N : G2 M.N : G3 M.N : G4 M.N: G5 M:N
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