old header - feb 2023 in hong kong to discuss how much has changed since dec 2019 death of abed and decade of Bangladesh as number 1 cooperation space- will be updating soon - with singapore friends, we have huge cooperations planned new york march 2023 glasgow june 2023 - mail chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk if your city in middle of scaling cooperations with UN tech envoy office or 23-24 college year buildinup to UNsummit future DUBAI + 2021 Entrepreneurial Revolutions top 12 countdown 2025report.com

dhaka : hk hkft singapore  2 oxbridge Netherlands ...glasgow adam smith cop26 november with italy &. 3abc hong kong fintech 4abc seoul and busan 5abc Vienna geneva & Hague 6abc ny state community corridors 7abc nordica
8abc haidian-beijing youth 9abc barcelona rome 10 abc uae stanford & valley ,, boston 12 abc tokyo ER begun 1976 The Economist 1 2
lives matter-can human-tech leap over value chains of shelf -safety*health*education*loveq*finance Economist's Macrae Norman Foundation 17 sdgs Map-Notes G1M.N : G2 M.N : G3 M.N : G4 M.N: G5 M:N

Saturday, June 20, 2020

dual language cities

if a leader of a heroic city is visiting dc - we always love to host a grind type event - north bethesda outofbeltway -chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk epicentre of montgomery county - a top 20 city economy in usa if it wasnt classified as a county and independent of whichever vested interest rule inside beltway

[Webinar] The Bilingual Revolution Series: Episode 3: Launching the Program

Posted on June 6, 2020 fantastic work by fabrice jaumont over 25 years built multiple dual language schools around ny - french, italian, japanese, russian Posted in Bilingual RevolutionWebinar

normally changing us standard exam schooling next to impossible but if parents from 2 languages team up for years demadning a community school - this can free up children and teachers - see fabrice's book bilingual revolution- look at next events at with france's cultural mission in new york

dual language cities - fantastic spanish case from mayor medellin columbia at virtual wise today 24 june 2020- medellin posted to be next real wise too- medellin aims to be tech and post covid benchmarks for all spanish and american speaking world

fantastic 20 minute zoom 24 june by mayor of medellin to 1000 people at wise summit

apparently he's been using tech to change education and aims to be benchmark post-covid city for latin america- he will also host for the first real wise

Friday, June 19, 2020

beijing ccg update

typical experience ccg beijing go listen to 100 leaders -half from china pitching 5 minute celebrations of peoples globalisation around the world- read through library of 30 plus most urgent worldwide challenges that have been illuminated by this most multicultural thinktank i have had privilege to observe

 23nd June, 2020

In commemoration of the UN 75th anniversary forum
Enhancing multilateralism to collectively achieve the sustainable development goals

Wednesday June 24, 2020
15:00-18:00 Beijing Time
09:00-12:00 Central European Time

Teleconference via Zoom
Live broadcast via multiple media platforms
( Simply click the web link after the session begins to watch the live program for free, no Baidu app needed. )

Follow @CCGthinktank on Facebook , @CCG_org on Twitter and Center for China and Globalization on YouTube to get future event updates, live streams, and videos from CCG.

Co-organized by
Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies (ACCWS)

Center for China and Globalization (CCG)

Center for International Security and Strategy (CISS)

Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute (DOC)

Valdai Discussion Club

British East Asia Council

About the event
In 1945, the founding of the United Nations raised hopes for a new era of peace and prosperity for all. Over the past 75 years, the Organization has become the cornerstone of today’s multilateral architectures tasked with managing and reducing shared global problems. In recent years, however, a deeply worrying rise in unilateral sentiment across the globe has combined with the world’s long-standing challenges to produce a crisis of confidence in multilateral institutions. Defined by the Covid-19 pandemic and its massive human, social, and economic costs, this challenging, complex moment in which we find ourselves requires global governance on a greater scale than ever before, and a rethinking of the very multilayered system it rests upon to ensure inclusive and equitable policies and outcomes for all. Will the pandemic crises provide a golden opportunity to rekindle the commitment to multilateralism and sustainable development? How can the United Nations regenerate its capacity for mobilizing cooperation for share global challenges and reshape the zeitgeist of our time?

15:00-15:10 (10min.)      Opening Remarks and Introduce Key Note Speakers

WANG Huiyao, President, Center for China and Globalization (CCG); Counselor for the State Council
Vladimir Yakunin, Co-Founder & Supervisory Board Chairman, Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute (DOC)

15:10-15:45 (35min.)     Opening keynotes

Keynote speakers:
Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Former French Prime Minister
Nicholas Rosellini, Resident Coordinator, UN China
YI Xiaozhun, Deputy Director-General, World Trade Organization (WTO)

15:45-16:50 (65min.)     Discussion 1: Multilateralism at a crossroads: challenges, prospects, and innovations for global governance in a changing world

WANG Huiyao, President, Center for China and Globalization (CCG); Counselor for the State Council

Speakers (alphabetic order, TBC):
David Chikvaidze, Chef de Cabinet of the Director-General of the Nations Office at Geneva
Martin Raiser, Country Director for China and Mongolia, and Korea, World Bank
Justin Vaisse, Director-General, Paris Peace Forum
SHA Zukang, Former Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations (UN)
Vladimir Yakunin, Co-Founder & Supervisory Board Chairman, Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute (DOC)
ZHU Min, Former Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF)

16:50-17:55 (65min.)     Discussion 2: Shared responsibility, shared future: the way forward for SDGs

Jean-Christophe Bas, Chief Executive Officer, Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute (DOC)

Speakers (alphabetic order):
Fyodor Lukyanov, Research Director, the Valdai Club Foundation
Michele Geraci, Former Undersecretary of State at the Italian Ministry of Economic Development
Claire Courteille-Mulder, Director of Country Office for China and Mongolia, ILO
Douglas Noble, China Country Representative, UNICEF
Beate Trankmann, UNDP Resident Representative in China
YU Yunquan, President, Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies (ACCWS)

17:55-18:00 (5min.)     Wrap-up

Follow @CCGthinktank on Facebook , @CCG_org on Twitter and Center for China and Globalization on YouTube to get future event updates, live streams, and videos from CCG.

How will the pandemic crisis impact global economy?— Director of the World Bank's Prospects Group analyses proepects for the global economy
June 12th,2020
A Looming Food Crisis on Top of the Coronavirus Crisis: Roots, Solutions, and International Cooperation
May 18th,2020
India and China: two Asian giants amid a pandemic
May 15th,2020
Technology and Coronavirus: Lessons and Proposals from China and the United States
April 29th,2020
The year of Europe on hold amid a pandemic: perspectives on European integration and China-Europe cooperation
April 23rd,2020
The world under fire: the role of the WTO in a global response to COVID-19 pandemic
April 20th,2020
How will COVID-19 change the landscape of international education
April 17th, 2020
COVID-19: opportunity or challenge for US-China trade and beyond
April 9th, 2020
Coping with a pandemic: perspectives from the global business community
April 1st,2020

Publisher: Edward Elgar
Co-editor: President of CCG Dr. Wang Huiyao and CCG Secretary-General Dr. Miao Lu

This book brings together nearly 40 experts and scholars from all over the world in the field of globalization to reflect on and address the issues surrounding the globalization process and China’s global influence. Read more…

Center for China & Globalization(CCG)is a leading Chinese nongovernmental think tank based in Beijing. It is dedicated to the study of Chinese public policy and globalization. Boasting a strong research team, it enjoys an impressive record of publications and events with broad public policy impact.

In the 2019 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report released by the University of Pennsylvania, the world’s most authoritative think tank ranking, CCG was again recognized as one of the world’s top 80 think tanks, ranking in 76th place globally. CCG is currently the only non-governmental Chinese think tank to hold “UN Special Consultative Status”.

Two well-known scholars, Dr. Wang Huiyao and Dr. Miao Lu, founded the CCG in 2008. Today near 100 in-house researchers and staff serve this thinking hub with subsidiaries and divisions spanning across China including Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Qingdao and Hong Kong.

Contact us
English:en.ccg.org.cn      Chinese:www.ccg.org.cn

Tel: (8610)65611038, 65611039       Email: contact@ccg.org.cn
Follow us
Facebook: @CCGthinktank     Twitter: @CCG_org     Wechat: CCGviews

YouTube: Center for China and Globalization

Linkedin: Center for China and Globalization

Thursday, June 18, 2020

twin or triple sister cities

sdg knowhow really rocks the world when youth twin or triple intercity solutions every community needs most
eg spot who's who of  oxford beijing connectors via

Yuxuan Chen
Rhodes Scholar | Policy Researcher

View full profile


Stephen A. Schwarzman is Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder of Blackstone, one of the world’s leading investment firms with over $500 billion in assets under management. He is an active philanthropist, with a history of transformative giving in support of education, culture, and the arts, among other areas....  


