journey through valley
macrae/econimst why not valley everyweher
65 gordon moore coins moore's law - popularises 100 times more tech per decade expoenetial forst raised by von neyumann alumni for from 1945 on; moore's axis starts valey sanata clara to stagford - already the twin ai lab of neumann with MIt boston- up the valley to sanfrancisco on to the public university of berkeley
from 80s apple changes the world out of the valley- thn mountain view startups including google and singularity university (today one form of meta is coordinated by the network that used call its corpoiration facebbok)
singularity university also host zprize and woith the un and guterres digoital transfromation around aiforgoopd from 2022 piloted by youth out of la with mark shingles
san fran is one of 5 industrial rev 4 epientres of world economic forum -the otherb 4 being geneva tokyo beijing and either delhi or mumbai in india
arguably jerry hyag ihas proved youths most interesting digotal partner from yahoo to linking jack ma and softbank to now being coordinating dean at stanford- ai in stanford is fascianting -probably teh 2 most open ai connectors out of usa are anbdrew ng and fei-fei li - pretty much every expertise has an ai branch out of stanford - soem open some closed
elon musk has upported both singularity univer5sity and while the latter is boston based it connects the twin ai labs first designed as neumanns legacy from 1960
today what is ai or wht is metaverse are also ways of asking how has all 100 times more tech converged and will teh expoeenmtial conseuqmnece bee exticnction or millennials as forst truly sustainable generation
see to help choose
interesting new zealand has hooked into valley
demonstraing crimson navigation of tech univesities by stduents not by orofessors nd solu,achines claims to be aplayer in metaverse
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