old header - feb 2023 in hong kong to discuss how much has changed since dec 2019 death of abed and decade of Bangladesh as number 1 cooperation space- will be updating soon - with singapore friends, we have huge cooperations planned new york march 2023 glasgow june 2023 - mail chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk if your city in middle of scaling cooperations with UN tech envoy office or 23-24 college year buildinup to UNsummit future DUBAI + 2021 Entrepreneurial Revolutions top 12 countdown 2025report.com

dhaka : hk hkft singapore  2 oxbridge Netherlands ...glasgow adam smith cop26 november with italy &. 3abc hong kong fintech 4abc seoul and busan 5abc Vienna geneva & Hague 6abc ny state community corridors 7abc nordica
8abc haidian-beijing youth 9abc barcelona rome 10 abc uae stanford & valley ,, boston 12 abc tokyo ER begun 1976 The Economist 1 2
lives matter-can human-tech leap over value chains of shelf -safety*health*education*loveq*finance Economist's Macrae Norman Foundation 17 sdgs Map-Notes G1M.N : G2 M.N : G3 M.N : G4 M.N: G5 M:N

Thursday, May 26, 2022

University cities - gateway to the smartest tranbsfomration sustainable world will ever see?

 Fortunately there are 12+ city gateways to UN University its in the middle of 40+ UN agencies racing to understand how ai can empower sdgs  -   .

Extract from www.codesmeta.com

UN=United Nations---U University::DP Development Prog --ICEF Intl CHILDREN Emergency Fund --ESCO Education Science Culture Org --Women :: EP Environment Protection --WTO World Trade O::CTAD Conf Trafe&Dev --FPA Fund Population :Maternal/Reproductive--     HCR Hi Com Refugees Habitat -        DESA Economic&SocialFirst 40 UN agencies applying AI - nb dear readers: are your nation's gov agencies ahead or behind the world on sustainability actions as an educational right of younger half of the world and generation SDG?

W=World--Bank --FP Food Program --HO Health Org ==MO Meteorological O --IPO Intel Property O

I=International --TU TelecomsUnion -- LO Labor Office -- MF Monetary Fund --FAD Fund Agri Dev --MO Maritime Org --OM O Migration--AEA Atomic Energy A

OHCHR Human Rights:: FAO Food-Agri Org ::ITAR Train&Research:: IDO Indutrial Dev ECE EconomicComEurope --DPPA PoliticalPeacebuilding Aids Gpulse - RISD Research Social --l Dev OOSA Space  ODA/IDIR Disarmament ODC Drugs/Crime -- ICRI Interregional Justice 


UN University https://unu.edu/search/artificial and ...UN University - from page 190 of https://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-s/opb/gen/S-GEN-UNACT-2021-PDF-E.pdf

Project 2: Cholera Risk Mapping – An Outbreak Analysis Approach in Nigeria                                          Project 3: Enhancing Resilience to Flood Disasters in South Asia through the use of AI, Cloud Computing and Open Datasets 

Project 4: UNU-Macau Conversation Series Seminar • Project Description: UNU-Macau Conversation series seminar invited top researchers and thought leaders in Digital Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Modeling for Sustainability. The following seminar has been more specifically on AI: Dr. Christiine Boshuijzen-van Burken (UNSW) Multi-aspectual Ethics of Autonomous (weapons) Systems Dr. Omar Guerrero (Turing Institute), Modelling Sustainable Development from the Bottom Up: Coupling Open Data and Agent Computing to Inform Policy Prioritization Dr. Nils Ferrand: Codesigning and Politing Inclusive Participatory Procedures for Enacting the SDGs -                     Project 5: “Sustainable Decision-Making Tech” Research Team


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