sometimes i want to scream when i go to un event in new yorks' campus why don't you share your briefing of global futures with local communities in new york but then the snakes and lasders of who's who in public service today - while thats' gold box (5 from left -trust servant leaders); in my case living in dc i had to make 16 trips to bangladesh to understand what servant leadership could be like - fortunately franciscan lingua franca for servant leadership is currently portuguese paulo freire and we have this unique decade of Guterres being aaa as servant public leader - (dare i say) more secure than any bank across the states
so i am days behind writing up notes - this was the happiest 40 -80minutes I have ever attended at UN
why? well even in the midst of revolutionary change I like consisetency
the first ever sdgs event i went to in 2015 was hosted by irish president goal 2 end starvation - so its good the tirsh embassy is there as to 2 continuing the half time brief to sdgs - and being honest about through accidents (or naked evil) world has suffered since 2015 we are actually going backwards in critical cooperation behaviors needed compared with 2015 if millennials are to be first sd gen (sidebar also in 2015 i went to vatican uni twice to try and understand why both world bank jim kim and guterres had been there - q to leader of vatican university - is there one catholic u in usa that is chnaging its curricvula in line with youth actioning sdgs - answer not yet found one - almist all us cath u are jesuit and they do fund raising but not deep servant leadership- me that's a shame so where should ny 17 year old daughter go to u??
then I am just a diaspora scot - whatever else goes on in midlle east - first lady of qatar is up there as a world champion of women empowered education - she hosts both the wise and wish global laureates making choices that frankly make the nobel judges look very out of touch - if that is we want youth to be the sdg gen - so we can be certain that unga23 will be great on g3,4,5 health-ed-women while qatar is co-lead
and then - well before I get blunter maybe I should move over to where people are used to discussing the 30 most exciting cooperations that a billion pootrest women have invited the world to help them with