welcome to blog of how half of world world who are under 29 -and their educators and parents and communities- can celebrate Rome as a top 30 pro-youth and sustainability capital
with special thanks to hosts of February update visit (Antonia Rome), Natasa Serbia and Rome, Bernardo Chile and Rome - and all their social business network youth and celebration of cultures that Rome and Vatican have linked history and future joyfully to -especially with preferential options for the poor have been tested in one place and sustainably replicated around the world
] In the Company of the Poor: Conversations with Dr. Paul Farmer and Fr. Gustavo GutierrezNov 1, 2013 by Paul Farmer and Gustavo Gutierrez
related reference
The UN has named 2015 greatest change year ever
World Bank Jim Kim values millennials according to practice social movements needed to put the world back on sustainability track by 2030
World Bank Jim Kim values millennials according to practice social movements needed to put the world back on sustainability track by 2030
Does your capital contribute unique connections to youth futures- please tell us how. isabella@unacknowledgedgiant.com
Partners In Publishing World Record Book (and games) of Job Creation
Partners In Publishing World Record Book (and games) of Job Creation
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