Dear Ana/Luis can we meet or skype this week to discuss DC end of this; (Luis did you know that in 1969 a Peruvian started the Preferential for Poor curriculum) - book records fascinating dialogue convened by Notre Dame arranged by Jim Kim Paul Farmer and with Gustavo Gutierrez. Also it was Peruvian Catholics in Boston that arranged Paul Framers Bed & Breakfast needs for 20 years without which he couldnt have been the greatest public health servant millennnials world has to celebrate
Dear antonio and natasa (with extra info support) from bernardo can you move rome side of this action plan now
1.0 Identify in both capitals catholic and first womens representatives of each pivotal preferential application for poor (eg Pope's challenges wish list) and sustainability 2015 tipping points (eg as specified by UN in its greatest change year)
1.1 These representatives to map how they can connect social movements of
1 americas catholic millennials (double check best version 1 maps available panama april 2015)
2 all catholics (eg N America deadline before us congress does away for summer)
3 all women for sustainability including end failed states by mobile infrastructure "leapfrogging"
2.0 Illustrative of high level representatives
NobelPeaceSummits - representative of each peace laureate cluster relevant to youth social actions
First roman university to commit to this being most important goal; of all its students and teachers
Relationship to UN (through
Representative of Rome Olympics 2024 celebrating harmony of worlds youth cultures as well as youth greatest sporting heroes- linked into world wanting to get to know new collisseum discover
OAS valuing youth across states of
TICamericas and IADB competitions for most social entrepreneurs
Yabt and iadb capital and mentoring structures continuations sustaining
Iadb has formed one west coat uni partnership (Berkeley-Blum out of san francisco) in making global poverty favorite student social action curriculum - identify DC's first university empowering catholic millennials demand for sustainability and public governance that ends inequality
About 6 change movements at world bank where catholics are heading change agenda and jim kim is editor-in-chief with his lens of preferential option for poor -= starting with health for the poor. This is an agenda kim has 30 years of health empowerment networks with young professionals. World bank leadersuip has massive connections with
Women4Empowerment and fashion4development indispensable connections through dc
Elearning indispensable connections through dc including elearning apps satellite reaching 5 billion people across
Lead Vatican-Franciscan under 29s (half the world's population) envoy in DC if
Lead preferential for poor catholic in congress
Lead guest journalist for catholic millennials at CNN
and able to help turner family with their billion dollar review of UN
3.0 in view of other deadlines of UN year of transformation- Suggesting 2 week deadline to set up first decision-making meeting on this in both Rome and Dc (with extra support from clean survey of preferential for options for the poor universities around the world that might want to linkin their capital to). Note how easy eg coursera and khan academy can scale this especially when each great missing student learning app is also celebrate world bank or youth-hero stars tedx style
4.0 bernardo and antonio- we need a short english summary fo what network Giuseppe Sciacca is tasked by Pope Francis to connect worldwide youth with
thanks chris macrae Washington DC mob usa 240 316 8157
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