update for 2022 - where to connect your nhetworks first in new york 1 2 upd jan 18 2022 - bloombergthanks quiz on futures of 15 trillion dollars market places from pharma to air travel mapping update feb 22 Spencer I think there are 4 main ny conversations I'd like to help advance but I am not sure which is best first fit with you: *unite musicians for good eg lincoln centre 92y *unite education eg teachforall and Unicef *humanise artificial intel. fintech, ESG ie wall street connects *innercity brooklyn - particularly black and hispanic college and 20 somethings - and open society local strengths (huge focus of soros funds but where covid came before he announced this regional focus between brooklyn and new york state) (of course there is also climate and health and peace in europe) do you have any blackout days on week of 7-11 or 14-18 - the music compass is one where I could try phone up ahead and fix a high level diary slot; the other compasses could connect several people I know but no one hi-level first contact obvious; probably each compass depends on whether we can make a local breakthrough - i explained why from data I have wendy kopp is probably most important education breakthrough out of new york and in her case she is working on both inside usa teach for america and with her husbands charter schools and globally (with 60 national branches -many are in the middle of border issues -indeed it would be urgent time to ask which of her branches could help with what is at risk of europe meltdown) If you think it is ok happy to include meeting with you where we go inside all my linkedin and lunchclub links to see which most overlap with people you want to network out of new york. Also, I will try and make a ny organsiation map over the weekend (iun parallel to one already made for boston) but quite frankly most of the systems change I am trying to work on depends on interpersonal multipliers which is probably a core dynamic of what rebecca's ei and womens empowerment approach actions far deeper than I can do on my own did you say that the main foundations /funders you work for are clustered in any particular subregion of new york - fortunatley the metro connects us quickly but frankly there are patches of new york where I understand student hubs and others that I have no maps of | i live in washington dc region but new york is really the only place in usa where this question started to be permitted after suprime crisis in 2008 what if ny was as famous at at livelihood education as it is at finance EconomistInfra.com new york is arguably the most integrated state in terms of a common identity which eg past gov cuomo used to call both tough and loving- about half of the 20 million people live in the city and suburbs- there were projections before the virus that the suburbs expected another 5 million plus by 2030 -if so livelihood creation will be even more important of all lives matter to new yorkers new york city is the only world class subway in america -ie capable of serving 10 million people conveniently and economically new yorkers can explain infrastructire as america's biggest failing to other americans - although gppd for new york citizens its riduculous there is no billet train jup to boston and down to dc- both could be within abut 1 hours reach if americans had dlearnt what eg japan followers started to learn from early 1960s one of the challenges of living 1970-2020 with 100 times more etch connectivity each decade is that places which dont help their peoples real movement connections keep up are likely to fall ever further behind ;post industrial economies and the 2020s convergence of technologies we welcome conversations on all of the above- the coron virus will likely make debates on what is happening to the future of america even more stark - lets hope that every lesson rest of usa could learn from ny will be |
old header - feb 2023 in hong kong to discuss how much has changed since dec 2019 death of abed and decade of Bangladesh as number 1 cooperation space- will be updating soon - with singapore friends, we have huge cooperations planned new york march 2023 glasgow june 2023 - mail chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk if your city in middle of scaling cooperations with UN tech envoy office or 23-24 college year buildinup to UNsummit future DUBAI + 2021 Entrepreneurial Revolutions top 12 countdown 2025report.com
1 dhaka : hk hkft singapore 2 oxbridge Netherlands ...glasgow adam smith cop26 november with italy &. 3abc hong kong fintech 4abc seoul and busan 5abc Vienna geneva & Hague 6abc ny state community corridors 7abc nordica8abc haidian-beijing youth 9abc barcelona rome 10 abc uae stanford & valley ,, boston 12 abc tokyo ER begun 1976 The Economist 1 2lives matter-can human-tech leap over value chains of shelf -safety*health*education*loveq*finance Economist's Macrae Norman Foundation 17 sdgs Map-Notes G1M.N : G2 M.N : G3 M.N : G4 M.N: G5 M:N
Thursday, April 30, 2020
can ny save america
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Unni i am interested in accounting purpose of all food markets - both danone (friend faber was fired after 16 yera struggle) and unilever have had huge problems maintaining their european identity faced by americans who want to gobble them up and junk the wolrds food (kfc burger king chipotle now all advertise plant-based emat recipes!!)even more unless of course friend mackey is going to rise fromj the dead of being under bezos thumb - purpose games at level of trillion doillar markets compound what even founders of corporates can now do imo; unfortunately by failing to debate purposes these last 2 years everything is also sinking under the fog of fintech - there are now al least 50 different new york fintech camps and I simply dont have enough team members translating which if any care about sustainabglity- if you dont talk ESG language in new york money world you cant translate much into other hopefully more intelligent ways to lead- did soros university ever open in vienna or is ist still sunk under covid ashes? in new york i know guy who runs leading sound studio - he edited 2 gutsy mackey documentaries of food supply chain but otherwise conscious capitalism has been a chat not an action space.. now something different might be www.uaustin.org