2023 10 mosrt cooperative cities with millennaisl as forst sd gen
ny geneva singapore hk ireland glasgow cantab(royal triad queenofhearts.city ) japan mongolia rome
================ the future unmapped fro the past as ai's beam up/down life critical apps/maps through every gps
from 1865 swiss corridor itu first corporatione cooperating around world standard updates - schooled goats of maths extend from budapest to munich- einsteuin hosted transnational intel cooperation
fleeing to princeton neumann einstein and other maths goats next 4 cooperation corridors
princeton north eg ibm un yale mit where moon landing coded and neumann ai lab founded
pribceton soith space energy - neumann nored great care needed here - sciemtists of these would be become peoples most hatec and nations most wanter - einstein's last connections gandhi and a black college in phili- neumann lasteer longer asking economist to be surveyor of what goods can peoples unite wherever their communities have first access to 100 times more tech per decade
2nd neumann ai lab stanford soon moores law silicon valley reuniting san francisco opera house where un was born - stanford was in trust to evey child of califrnia; it got twinned by u of cal bekeley either side of san fran
tokyo castal corridor - see jfk's approval of this 1962 -apart from bill carter jfy seems only president caring to issue youtg decade long challenges - rge reace to satellite alumni and interdepence maps of worldwide devloment being his most exciting two
stuff went weongfrom 1963 with assainations, exponential eise of cold war through which us ab russia installed dictators in almost all dev countries; cia creating drug trade across america's latin border; america's first failed war vietnam; nixon starting precedent of liars, official secrets, and taking dollae off gold stand- meanwhile rest of the world raised expectations for humanity - if moon laning possible soon no challenge will be too big for eart to resolve- this became the tele era's biggest lie; there was probably only one new corridor 1972 bangladesh with help from the 3 eoyals that had most conqered asian coastline started up 1 billion girls top 30 cooperations for human dec 2019-1970
in between 1990 and 2019 we have web1 and web2 - so far both have multiplied ever more zero-sum instead of aboce zero s=um games
sadly 2000 milennoum goals process vey week in mediation versus our 1984 recomendation 2025report- they did noting to precent web2 become the big corporate data seizure era so the 2020s leaves all to play for if under 30s are to have media that can put communities at every gps back orbiting all relevant combos of the 17 sdgs
for the school year 23-24 top 10 hopes go with ny geneva ireland glasgow cantab singapore hong kong royal tripley japan-uk-netherlands undercover (mainly asian copperation) stanford/silicon valley rome (even if frabcis support since 2015 at un seemed extremely unwelcome by everyone except guterres and the 2 koreans ban ki-moon and jim kim
new york geneva - un tech envot egov ranking bencchmarks for transformaing any level of gov from transational to local; youth un summit 2024 - ny also has the tandon triad of engineers celebrating womenking ny-shaghai-abu dhabi
schwarzman rhodes triad oxfird mit tsinghua
glasgow continues to interrof=gate all uk university cities with adam smiths questions - 265th moral sentimenst of students and tecahers june 2023
oxfirds vc has moved to head carnegie
nyu may now have the first black female vc of a big capital uni
the 3 greatest youth networkers of un tech envoy are linkedin by singapore ireland hk
shoutpit to mongolia the shootin g start of embassies to Un in 2022
official support for tech envoy also cpomes from unu sponsors of au - japan naixus slovenia ircai xprize sigood geneva and sdgmetaverseprize.otg los angeles
as well as tech envot framework 1 billion girls linked by fazle abed started
uniting 40 most cooperative uni of female systrainability graduates
unitin 23 billion rural people smart climate adaptation exchnages
connecting networks of luminaries - educatir can chnage education on their own - which other extpert skilsd can help identify missing curricula- how can both lead students and teachers be taught in under 90 days to start building missing curricula - eg lancet's peer to peer pre teen health particularly goirls once promised as michelle obamas mission in life but not yet with any reality of conectiosnround her - more hopeful are mrs jobs mrs gates mrs bezos and mrs rowlings - watc out for whether they value daos coming to education - as well as to any last mile service training
so sorry to see dhaka fall out of top 10 list for first time isince 1972- of course your women build rural nations cooperations remain wuth us all but abed never wanted his family to take over the university see abedmooc.com and yunusmooc.com on how dhaka and bamgladesh women did the deepest work of sdg generation for so long - rip sir fazle 20 dec 2019 - if un mobilises girls to sustain humanity your knowho will always be blending artificial and hyman intels deeply as your mol of 10000 by 10000 united metavilages first mapped 1972 - see also quiet revolution matha chen
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