old header - feb 2023 in hong kong to discuss how much has changed since dec 2019 death of abed and decade of Bangladesh as number 1 cooperation space- will be updating soon - with singapore friends, we have huge cooperations planned new york march 2023 glasgow june 2023 - mail chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk if your city in middle of scaling cooperations with UN tech envoy office or 23-24 college year buildinup to UNsummit future DUBAI + 2021 Entrepreneurial Revolutions top 12 countdown 2025report.com

dhaka : hk hkft singapore  2 oxbridge Netherlands ...glasgow adam smith cop26 november with italy &. 3abc hong kong fintech 4abc seoul and busan 5abc Vienna geneva & Hague 6abc ny state community corridors 7abc nordica
8abc haidian-beijing youth 9abc barcelona rome 10 abc uae stanford & valley ,, boston 12 abc tokyo ER begun 1976 The Economist 1 2
lives matter-can human-tech leap over value chains of shelf -safety*health*education*loveq*finance Economist's Macrae Norman Foundation 17 sdgs Map-Notes G1M.N : G2 M.N : G3 M.N : G4 M.N: G5 M:N

Friday, December 25, 2015

How can DC celebrate the Joy of Francis before, after and during 2/24 september 2015? isabella@unacknowledgedgiant.com
help MAP Rome, DC, Peru, and top 50 youth jobs capitals and MicrofranchiseTrust
UN has called 2015 gamechanger year to sustainability goals. We value spreading grassroots health training and pop cultures everywhere- the later from Rome to DC why not your future capital. Help DC students work out how to ensure the once in a lifetime visit of Pope Francis stimulates unstoppable social actin networks which can also be transferred where sustainable youth are next blessed.

2015 April DC wb spring meetings; september 23/24 Pope Francis in Rome; october PERU to host world bank start year meetings

Thursday, April 16, 2015

3 questions to Partners in Health team visiting DC to discuss mirebalais

First DC is home to the 5 billion person elearning satellite owned by Ethiopian Noah Samara. In ensuring that the tipping point of open elearning is priortised around the poorest we are at the stage were we love to put up content promoting the best for the world training structures in whatever form they choose. What for PIH and Mirebalais and GHDonline?  In parallel we have hosted 3 dialogues with Sir Fazle Abed of BRAC on how elearning can help scale tipping points in girls educations and women4empowerment microfranchsing. And we also have so joyful open processes emerging around Africa's Job creating educators

Second the culture of Preferential Option for Poor has become my favorite millennials professional mindset to research. Several catholic universities have helped me start to map what student union clubs interested in POP should now abut first with a particular focus  in 2015 on lining in DC and Rome youth networks around this

Third I would like to now does PIH have an everyday knowhow envoy contact point in washington DC region

Saturday, February 7, 2015

#2015now .  , and #2015Rome
welcome to blog of how half of world world who are under 29 -and their educators and parents and communities- can celebrate Rome as a top 30 pro-youth and sustainability capital

 with special thanks to hosts of February update visit (Antonia Rome), Natasa Serbia and Rome, Bernardo Chile and Rome - and all their social business network youth and celebration of cultures that Rome and Vatican have linked history and future joyfully to -especially with preferential options for the poor have been tested in one place and sustainably replicated around the world
Product Details
] In the Company of the Poor: Conversations with Dr. Paul Farmer and Fr. Gustavo GutierrezNov 1, 2013 by Paul Farmer and Gustavo Gutierrez

related reference
The UN has named 2015 greatest change year ever
World Bank Jim Kim values millennials according to practice social movements needed to put the world back on sustainability track by 2030
Does your capital contribute unique connections to youth futures- please tell us how. isabella@unacknowledgedgiant.com
Partners In Publishing World Record Book (and games) of Job Creation

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

correspondence welcome chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk i am testing every way I can to celebrate Catholic University DC alumni as connecting preferential options to end poverty in every relevant practice area - here are :-

Some Notes on difficulty finding university in washington DC region to study #2030now end poverty
a personal view - back in 2007 we started searching where my daughter might go to university starting in the class of 2015-2016

we posted 2000 book club of the muhammad yunus poverty museum race challenge -only to find that most universities prevented their students from collaborating; we helped sample 350 members of congress with Journal of Social Business

until 2012 dc turns out to be a city where many fund raise but few can tell you where to go and see  preferential options for the poor- this changed when Jim Kim came to the world bank as he has brought 30 years of networking knowhow - how to inspire boston students to linkin to such practice networks

http://www.tedxwbg.com/ Sources for millennials Happy 2015 dialogues of pih on 1 Ebola 2 how to leverage technology to radically engage patients on health care; UN is 2015 year of all change to sustainability goals
Trillion Dollar Audit Now: Global Social Value Health

Also in 2012 the lady who was from 1996 Yunus' first female director of mobile technology partnerships came to DC and I have been privileged to volunteer on advisory group of women4empowerment and to come to understand ow much youth can celebrate around BRAC which preceded Yunus as a formal grassroots villagers network by several years - being the villagers health and childrens education network before village mothers ad enough support to develop their banking circles

Monday, February 2, 2015

Maya, Luis thanks for arranging short notice debriefs tomorrow - POP Preferred Option Poorest (by millennial practice areas and MOOCs)

would like to make sure I fully debrief you on 48 hours of POP dialogues in Rome that chile's social university network ENS Global | Escuela de Negocios Sociales Yunus led by bernardo javalquinto arranged for me to mediate last week -POP= Preferred Option Poor- my book for homework was the peruvian-paul farmer dialogue 
Inline image

the only 3 organisations I have personally experienced this massively openly and practically with youth to live POP that are BRAC, partners in health and pre-2008 Grameen- of course this shows my ignorance- where else have you seen?

In Rome 48 hours of dialogue were organised by a lawyer  Antonio who acts as counsel for several people concerned with franciscan way, its liberation theology theory and where youth can practice it.  Antonio only speaks italian but his wife Natasa from Serbia translates as well as looking for east europe connections

meeting 1 with Don Bruno Lima ceo for Cardinal Hoyos - i dont understand the vatican organisgram but it seems that Cardinal Hoyos and presidential team at Giuseppe Sciacca briefs pope on youth and education revolutions

meeting 2 with campaigner for rome to get olympics in 2024- his archeology youth have just discovered coliseum 2.1 underground; they want to invite pop, sports and fashion stars to turn it into the greatest cultural exchange youth have ever seen 

meeting 3 with a director of european university in rome

I was asked who would most want to advance celebrate Pope speech at Congress september 24 in way that could maximise empowerment of youth and women concerned with every sort of millennials of POP - Preferential Option Poor

Strangely most of above people may not have heard of MOOC  elearning platforms coursera and absent of offereing a demo it was hard to imagibe that a 5 billion person satellite exists- so what I nees is connect now is whomever can credibly  take over relationships with the above people

chris  2015rome blog  usa mobile  240 316 8157

Giuseppe Sciacca board:  Honorary President Cardinal Hoyos;  President Professor Dott. Don Lima; President Giuria Prof Snataniello; V President Giuria Professor Rasi; Portavoce of President Cav. Dott Marsili; ...Organigramma 2012 | Premio Internazionale Giuseppe Sciacca

I was pushed at each meeting to stop saying I knew people who could help and say what I needed so 

1 i said a letter I could take to catholic university to explain above and to press office of Catholic congressman delaney
2 a letter asking americas connectors of POP youth in dc to form a committee in time to make sure their knowhow links positive social actions all round pope celebration at congress 24 september

if you feel something better should have been shared  them bernardo javalquinto in chile can be contacted  quickly tidy up loose ends I may have left behind

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Dear Ana/Luis can we meet or skype  this week to discuss DC end of this; (Luis did you know that in 1969 a Peruvian started the Preferential for Poor curriculum) - book records fascinating dialogue convened by Notre Dame arranged by Jim Kim Paul Farmer and with Gustavo Gutierrez. Also it was Peruvian Catholics in Boston that arranged Paul Framers Bed & Breakfast needs for 20 years without which he couldnt have been the greatest public health servant millennnials world has to celebrate

Dear antonio and natasa (with extra info support) from bernardo can you move rome side of this action plan now

Dear everyone pelase celebrate Alacnterini, Ruggero- soul behind Rome's olympics  v1   Yunusolympics.com - open olympics to millennials action-celebration humanity's social heroines  bid 2024 -unlike all the other games if Rome gets that every sustainable youth culture will be valued more than any of the sportstars -Ruggero's archaeology friends ave just discovered that Rome invented underground coilliseum - I guess I better arrange a meeting with my old clients at Coca-Cola2015now (see UN's Ban ki-moon & .. top 10 Papal addresses on this)  recommendation 2  in each capital -2015rome-dc  form servant leadership council for how sustainability will only be united bottom up by empowering millennial action networks and apps for all sustainability critical preferential options of the poor

  1. United Nations Millennium Development Goals 

    United Nations
    The actions made in 2015 are expected to result in new sustainable ... '2015 is a chance to change history,' UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told the Youth ...

1.0 Identify in both capitals catholic and first womens representatives of each pivotal preferential application for poor (eg Pope's challenges wish list) and sustainability 2015 tipping points (eg as specified by UN in its greatest change year)

1.1 These representatives to map how they can connect social movements of
americas catholic millennials (double check best version 1 maps available panama april 2015)
2  all catholics (eg N America deadline before us congress does away for summer)
3 all women for sustainability including end failed states by mobile infrastructure "leapfrogging"

2.0 Illustrative of high level representatives
Vatican - of any team formed by Pope on a change world agenda informed by franciscan (preferential-poor)   way ahead

NobelPeaceSummits - representative of each peace laureate cluster relevant to youth social actions

First roman university to commit to this being most important goal; of all its students and teachers

Relationship to UN (through Rome's UN wing which happens to lead agriculture for the poor)

Representative of Rome Olympics 2024 celebrating harmony of worlds youth cultures as well as youth greatest sporting heroes- linked into world wanting to get to know new collisseum discover

OAS valuing youth across states of america- next summit april 2015

TICamericas and IADB competitions for most social entrepreneurs americas as ever seen

Yabt and iadb capital and mentoring structures continuations sustaining americas youth most collaborative and social goals

Iadb has formed one west coat uni partnership (Berkeley-Blum out of san francisco) in making global poverty favorite student social action curriculum - identify DC's first university empowering catholic millennials demand for sustainability and public governance that ends inequality

About 6 change movements at world bank where catholics are   heading change agenda and jim kim is editor-in-chief with his lens of preferential option for poor -= starting with health for the poor. This is an agenda kim has 30 years of health empowerment networks with  young professionals. World bank leadersuip has massive connections with boston pro-poor catholics and students- and boston is also world leader in open web and mobile apps

Women4Empowerment and fashion4development indispensable connections through dc
 Elearning indispensable connections through dc including elearning apps satellite reaching 5 billion people across africa and asia

Lead Vatican-Franciscan under 29s (half the world's population) envoy in DC if Rome thinks this is already appropriate

Lead preferential for poor catholic in congress

Lead guest journalist for catholic millennials at CNN 

and able to help turner family with their billion dollar review of UN

3.0 in view of other deadlines of UN year of transformation- Suggesting 2 week deadline to set up first decision-making meeting on this in both Rome and Dc (with extra support from clean survey of preferential for options for the poor universities around the world that might want to linkin their capital to). Note how easy eg coursera and khan academy can scale this especially when each great missing student learning app is also celebrate world bank or youth-hero stars tedx style

4.0 bernardo and antonio- we need a short english summary fo what network Giuseppe Sciacca is tasked by Pope Francis to connect worldwide youth with

thanks chris macrae Washington DC  mob usa 240 316 8157